Former educator turned developer

My time in the classroom taught me much about organization, attention to detail, and problem solving. As a web developer, I strive to use all of these attributes to build web applications to offer creative solutions to meet the diverse needs of a user.

“Every artist was at first an amateur.”

-Ralph W. Emerson

On a more personal note..

I consider myself to be an extremely social person. I love working with others on team projects to tackle challenges collaboratively. Dedication and growth are the cornerstones of my work ethic and I'm excited to join the tech community to continue sharpening my skills as a developer as well as nurture the growth and development of others.

Growing up, my father served in the United States Navy and I had the great opportunity to live in a variety of communities and experience the rich history each place held. As an adult, I strive to see new places and learn about cultures and communities outside my own as often as possible.

When I'm not working, I enjoy connecting with my community through volunteer work and recreational women's groups. Before my move to Chicago in August 2018, I volunteered for the Ochsner Baptist NICU as a cuddler and I played competitive roller derby with The Big Easy Rollergirls. In my free time, you can find me rolling around the streets of Chicago in my light up roller skates.

Say hi!

I'm available to build websites, look over code, or troubleshoot your projects.